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Open Counselling BTM 2019

you are requested to attend  open counseling for the post of Block Technology manager(BTM) at ATMA office, bazar samiti, chapra(Saran). (Time-11:00am to 4:00 pm)

07-08-2019-Total points (73.86-54.50) serial no.-01-301

08-08-2019-Total points (54.47-51.09) serial no.-302-450

09-08-2019-Total points (51.04-40.05) serial no.-451-611

Documents required… all original certificates, two coloured photograph, self attested copies of all required documents

Note-1.There is no need to attend in counseling who has already attended in previous counseling. 2.List uploaded for open counseling on

                                                                                             Project Director,

                                                                                               ATMA, Saran

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