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Open counseling for the post of ACCOUNTANT (BLOCK LEVEL)

You are requested to attend open counseling for the post of ACCOUNTANT (BLOCK LEVEL) at ATMA office, Bazar Samiti, Chapra(Saran). (Time-11:00am to 4:00 pm)

20-08-2019-Total points (72.89-58.29) serial no.-01-301

21-08-2019-Total points (58.28-53.28) serial no.-302-601

22-08-2019-Total points (53.26-9.61) serial no.-602-969

Documents required… all original certificates, two colored photograph and self attested copies of all required documents

Note-1.There is no need to attend in counseling who has already attended in previous counseling. 2. List uploaded for open counseling on

Call- Mob. No.-9852545719

                                                                                                                              Project Director,                                                                                                                           ATMA, Saran

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